Bringing a sensibility that comes from being around this music their whole lives, lead guitarist and vocalist, Will Johns, is Eric’s Nephew; on keyboards, Noah East is son to Clapton’s longtime bassist, Nathan East.
From 2024, we are blessed to have the legendary groove of Grammy award winning drummer Steve Ferrone, who played in Eric’s band between 1986 and 1992. The set includes not only the ‘Clapton Classics’ but rekindles hits from albums Behind the Sun, August and Journeyman – recordings that have particularly influenced this band and led to Eric’s record breaking 24-night residency at London’s Royal Albert Hall with Steve Ferrone on drums!
Touring Musicians
Lead guitarist and vocalist Will Johns grew up being influenced by some of Britain’s best-known musical and cultural icons, including being taught his first guitar riff by his uncle, Eric Clapton. The blues-God was then married to Will’s Aunt and British modelling icon Pattie Boyd and this family connection provided a rich and auspicious start for the young man.
Johns is also the son of legendary Recording Engineer and Producer, Andy Johns and nephew of fellow Producer Glyn Johns. Additionally, Will counts Mick Fleetwood and the late, great, George Harrison, as uncles and has performed onstage with Eric, Jack Bruce, Steve Winwood, Nile Rogers, Ronnie Wood, Mick Taylor and Bill Wyman, to name but a few.Now known as an outstanding guitarist in his own right, Johns has released five solo albums, the most recent of which was ‘Yin & Yang’ in October 2023. He is thrilled to bepart of this project, bringing the music that he’s known since boyhood to life with this ‘new gen’ band.
A Pianist and Organist, Noah East is son of Nathan East, one of the most recorded bass players in the history of music and a long-time member of Eric Clapton’s band. Now 23, Noah began playing the piano at the age of four when his parents discovered that he had perfect pitch, and he has been recording music since he was 13-years-old.
He and his father have been involved with multiple educational institutions and have also performed together at music venues around the world, including the legendary Tokyo Blue Note Jazz Club. They are set to release their first album together in early 2024.
Graduating from UC Berkely in 2022, Noah jumped at the opportunity to join The Cream of Clapton Band: “Eric’s music has been the sound track of my life and to have the chance to interpret and play his extraordinary legacy, with such amazing musicians, is such a wonderful start to my career ” he says.
Bass player and cellist, Julia Hofer, has become one of the most talked about musicians in her native Austria and Germany.
Now 30, she picked up the cello at 8 years of age and quickly won several prizes and scholarships. At 16, she began playing bass guitar and moved to Vienna to complete a bachelor’s degree in music and education. She has gone on to complete two Master’s degrees and teaches at the Gustav Mahler Private University in Klagenfurt and at the Jam Music Lab, in Vienna. Julia has played in many bands and theatre productions, across many genres, including tours with ultra-successful German all-female pop group ‘No Angels.’
She first came to people’s attention on YouTube with her simple but compelling videos that work through much loved bass lines from classic songs played by the greats, including, of course, Nathan East!
We are very happy that she will continue to play with the band in 2025, and that quite regularly, some of her favourite musicians will once again join her on stage too!
Since bursting onto the music scene 10 years ago, German drumming phenomenon, Anika Nilles, quickly became one of the most talked about players in the business.
Reflecting this, she had the honour and privilege to be asked by the late, great, Jeff Beck, to join his band in 2022.
Anika has won multiple awards, is a prolific educator, teacher and recording artist, with a YouTube channel that can boast well over 23 million views.
She composes music for her own band, Nevell, which fuses together urban jazz, modern funk and progressive rock, to showcase the musicality and virtuosity of those involved.
This unique project continues to build its reputation given the truly original sound, musical arrangements and electric, live concert experience they deliver.
Fourplay and has been one of Eric Clapton’s go-to bass players since 1984.